Is Your Fire In Balance?

anger ayurveda fire seasonal living solstice Jun 28, 2022

Blessed Solstice Season to you! 

In the Ayurvedic tradition, this time of year is governed by the fire element--which is no surprise, at least for us in the Northern Hemisphere!

What are the signs of our elemental ally, Fire? 

Fire is the Energetic Spirit-Being of creative transformation.  They have a double-edged power--to nurture through warmth and creative mutability as well as to utterly destroy. 

Fire element shows themself through the light of the sun, the metabolic process of digestion, and the sharpness of the mind.  In balance, they give us the gifts of quick-wit, passion, decisive action.  Out of balance, Fire element can show up as irritability, physical inflammation, destructive anger, or over-doing it. 

In many ways we've been "in the fire" as a collective for a while now.  This has taken the shape of unrelenting violence, loss, and the natural world in turmoil. It has been far from pleasant!

I had the honor of speaking again this week with a member of the Buffalo community that was devastated by racialized terror last month.  Even as we honored Juneteenth this week, it is still glaringly apparent that we have a long way to go before we are out of Fire's transformative flame. 

How can we enter this Fire season with the tools to channel the season's energy towards the balancing and well-being of our own body-energy systems and the systems we are a part of?

In the video below, I share 5 simple ways to align with and balance the Fire Element.  I'll walk us through calling in the fire of this Solstice Sun to inspire clarity, insight, and energy, and effective action, for the liberation of all. 


3 Simple Celebrations of Spiritual Nourishment

✓  SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT rooted in the body and the earth

✓  INTUITIVE GUIDANCE led by your own inner compass

✓  JOYFUL CONNECTION:  Easy-to-learn songs and rituals you can share with your family; connection to a community of like-practicing peers


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