Priestess of Ordinary Things

A Blog about Bodies, Earth, Ritual and Resilience for Changing Times

Agape Sluts Happy Hour: Casual Convos w/ Kate on Christian Eroticism christianity eroticism free offer jesus sacred sexuality Aug 06, 2021

I know, I know—Agape Sluts. Yikes. It’s provocative, alarming, maybe even offensive. It made even me cringe when it first popped into my awareness. No fucking way, I thought. It’s different, perhaps, from the more general, earthy and over-all uncontroversial feel-good work...

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Earth Magic

3 Simple Celebrations of Spiritual Nourishment 

• Seven videos, between 5-15 minutes long

• Simple prompts to put your insights into action and integrate your learnings

• Joining access to my online FB community, where you’ll get ongoing resources and support for your spiritual path


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