Priestess of Ordinary Things

A Blog about Bodies, Earth, Ritual and Resilience for Changing Times

A Simple Somatic Practice for Grief embodiment grief ritual soma somatics spirituality Sep 19, 2022

My starting point in working with a client or with myself is almost always the same:

The body.

Somatic or somatics is just a fancy way of saying: pertaining to the body, or soma.  

So when it comes to grief, like anything else, I start with Body.

This is a...

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How to Make Friends with Time balance healing soma spirituality time Aug 14, 2022

Do you feel like there's never enough time? 

Do you want more of it?  

What if I told you you could completely shift your experience of will?  Would you believe me? 

Let's consider the possibility that the problem isn't that there "isn't enough"...

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Earth Magic

3 Simple Celebrations of Spiritual Nourishment 

• Seven videos, between 5-15 minutes long

• Simple prompts to put your insights into action and integrate your learnings

• Joining access to my online FB community, where you’ll get ongoing resources and support for your spiritual path


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