Priestess of Ordinary Things

A Blog about Bodies, Earth, Ritual and Resilience for Changing Times

Love Lessons ancestors animism divine feminine earth spirituality embodiment energy medicine priestess psychic theology Mar 03, 2023
I know there's nothing new to say about love, but I'm going to try to put words to some things that have been showing themself to me in a new way recently, glimmers from the edges of things, and may that they land for whoever needs them.
Love really is a fundamental force of the cosmos,...
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Jesus Didn't Die For My Sins ancestors christian christianity earth spirituality easter full moon interspirituality jesus roman catholic women priests spirituality theology Mar 30, 2018

Today the moon has ripened into fullness.  It's the second day of Passover, and what my spiritual tradition of origin calls Holy Saturday.  I write to you from a small retreat center in Lacey where my faith community sets up camp from Wednesday of Holy Week until Easter Sunday for the...

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Earth Magic

3 Simple Celebrations of Spiritual Nourishment 

• Seven videos, between 5-15 minutes long

• Simple prompts to put your insights into action and integrate your learnings

• Joining access to my online FB community, where you’ll get ongoing resources and support for your spiritual path


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