Priestess of Ordinary Things

A Blog about Bodies, Earth, Ritual and Resilience for Changing Times

An Overwhelm Overhaul overwhelm somatics May 10, 2022

Phew. So much happening in the world right now/always.

Amidst the backdrop of national and global all-the-things, I had a friend call me this week with some serious life happenings that had left them spinning, anxious, and exhausted. 

I asked them to name the most prominent...

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Do Something That Turns You On, And Other May Day Observations May 01, 2022

Were you a Catholic school kid?

It’s only been more recently that I’ve reflected back on my childhood spent in Catholic school and am marveling at the thinly veiled Goddess worship hiding in plain site.

May Day is a perfect example, maybe the most obvious.

Remember this? The...

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Do Something That Turns You On, And Other May Day Observations beltane christianity earth spirituality goddess mary pagan holidays Apr 28, 2022

Were you a Catholic school kid?

It’s only been more recently that I’ve reflected back on my childhood spent in Catholic school and am marveling at the thinly veiled Goddess worship hiding in plain site.

May Day is a perfect example, maybe the most obvious.

Remember this? The long...

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Agape Sluts Happy Hour: Casual Convos w/ Kate on Christian Eroticism christianity eroticism free offer jesus sacred sexuality Aug 06, 2021

I know, I know—Agape Sluts. Yikes. It’s provocative, alarming, maybe even offensive. It made even me cringe when it first popped into my awareness. No fucking way, I thought. It’s different, perhaps, from the more general, earthy and over-all uncontroversial feel-good work...

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Triduum Musings In 3 Parts Apr 06, 2021

I first wrote these as a series of posts on facebook, as I sat moved with my spiritual community through the 72-hour liturgy the earliest followers of Jesus called the Triduum: what is now called Holy/Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Though built on research done over the...

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Triduum Musings In 3 Parts animism christianity easter eroticism jesus somatics spring triduum Apr 05, 2021

first wrote these as a series of posts on facebook, as I sat moved with my spiritual community through the 72-hour liturgy the earliest followers of Jesus called the Triduum: what is now called Holy/Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Though built on research done over the past...

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Your New Moon Oracle: When There's No Escaping... darkness earth spirituality fire intuition new moon oracle Sep 16, 2020

Blessings of the Dark September Moon~

Each New Moon I am asking my guides for an image and a message to share with you all, my community. I pray this finds you defiantly thriving in your own creative, spirit-led way, and that these words and image offer a small anchor of clarity, strength, and...

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Are You In The Right Place? + A New Moon Oracle ancestors energy medicine ground intuition moon new moon oracle psychic Aug 14, 2020
Me in my Solstice Crown! Want monthly intuitive inspirations deepenings from my mystical musings? Stay with me right here!


As you may have noticed over the past few months, I'm shifting the way I do things.

This mailing list, as well as my website now hosts solely my...

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The Sanctuary Northwest Jul 14, 2020

My dear friends—

I have written multiple versions of this blog over the last 6 months. The world is so full right now. I’ve felt reluctant to add more to it. I keep asking myself: what is appropriate right now? What is necessary? What is being called for? Where can I be patient?...

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Will You Do The Work With Me? Jun 07, 2020

Dear friends,

For those of you in my community who are Black, Indigenous, or a person of color, you know what you need. I cannot imagine the kind of grief, terror and exhaustion you have lived with for generations. I cannot imagine what these last few weeks have felt like as the wound of...

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Does God Suffer? christian christianity easter ecofeminism feminine spirituality holy week jesus suffering Apr 05, 2020

It is Holy Week in the Christian tradition—the ancient celebration of the Triduum, a memorial of mystery, and the intersections and tensions of embodied life. Largely pagan in my spiritual practice, I surprise myself with finding so much beauty in this season (though not that surprising,...

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On Silent Wings: A Solstice Oracle and Ritual for Families altar dreams earth earth spirituality family spirituality solstice winter Dec 15, 2019

On the night of the last full moon, I dreamed I walked into my childhood bedroom and found a wounded owl on the ground. They had dark brown or black feathers, and stared at me with enormous intelligent eyes. They quickly scooted to hide out of the way under my bunkbed. I woke up feeling...

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Earth Magic

3 Simple Celebrations of Spiritual Nourishment 

• Seven videos, between 5-15 minutes long

• Simple prompts to put your insights into action and integrate your learnings

• Joining access to my online FB community, where you’ll get ongoing resources and support for your spiritual path


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